6 Reasons Why You Might Absolutely Hate Our Newest Towel

5 min readFeb 15, 2021

After launching the first version of our towels on Kickstarter almost 2 years ago, our day-one backers came back to us with feedback on what they’d like to see in the future. Well, the future is here and we’ve adapted and improved on every single feature.

With the Kickstarter release of the Casamera towel being a few days away, I wanted to share some of the reasons that make this such a versatile and dependable towel but the truth is, everyone has their own preferences and one person’s go-to towel might not be the one for you. Check them out below:

1) It’s not soft

One feature every towel brand likes to tout is how their towels have unmatched softness. The reality is softness is subjective and you can’t really feel the fabric on a Shopify product page. Even when you’re physically in the store the feel-test can be as unreliable as the latest Cyberpunk release.

Big-box retailers are notorious for spraying towels with fabric softeners that make the towels feel unrealistically soft in-store, only for it to wash away a few wash cycles later after taking it home.

Pro tip: adding fabric softener or using dryer sheets on your towels is not only terrible for the environment but it actually decreases how absorbent your towel becomes wash after wash.

Casamera towel in Charcoal

Although the Casamera Towel doesn’t claim to be as soft as a baby penguin’s belly, its unique tasty texture feels pleasantly exfoliating on your skin and does a damn near perfect job of absorbing moisture from your skin. Which really, is the only job a towel is supposed to do. If I had to describe how it feels I’d say its like a soothing bear hug from a giant waffle.

2) It's not thick and heavy and it’s not light and flimsy

Instead, the Casamera towel falls right bang in the middle weighing at around 450 GSM. We personally tested every towel weight we can possibly create. Seriously, we even had one prototype that felt heavier than a dental x-ray vest.

We found the lighter-weight towels like Turkish peshtemal or linen towels were great at drying quickly but terrible at drying you. The heavier terry towels felt nice and hefty but weren’t great at releasing moisture.

The Casamera towel is perfectly weighted, dries quickly, and takes up less space in your linen closet. They also make great travel towels in case you’re one of those weirdos that like to use their own clean towel at the gym.

3) You absolutely despise the environment

One thing we’re not doing is wrecking our planet by adding more unnecessary crap. No matter how small, we believe that your choice can make a difference to the planet.

Now, whether or not we make a new towel, people will continue to buy towels. So, it would be best if they were buying towels that had the most minimal impact on the environment.

Here’s a non-inclusive list of everything we’re doing less of in our newest towel production:

  • Less crap in the world
  • Less chemicals
  • Less plastics that pile in our landfills
  • Less laundering
  • Fewer oil refineries
  • Less packaging
  • Fewer emissions
  • Less wastewater
  • Less animal cruelty
  • Less energy use.

If you’re like us and prefer a light footprint on the environment, the Casamera towel is the way to go.

4) It doesn’t have bacteria-tracking nanomachines that magically dry you.

Sorry to disappoint. The Casamera towel won’t have any platinum infused stitching or the ability to connect with your Google Home/Alexa.

Instead, It’s made with painstaking attention to detail and using techniques that have been used for 100 years and counting.

It’s made entirely of Ingredients you can trust, with none of the icky stuff. Completely plant-based, with 0 plastics, 0 harmful chemicals, and 100% of the good stuff.

The cotton we use comes straight from the motherland. It’s harvested, (strictly) hand-picked, and weaved all in Egypt then shipped straight to you. No frills. No middlemen. No BS.

5) It keeps you dry and stays dry

If you enjoy being greeted by a musty towel after your morning shower, then you’ll do fine without this essential bathroom upgrade.

You should know, however, that a musty smell is a clear-cut sign that your towel now belongs to the tiny microscopic bacteria you were washing away minutes ago during your shower.

A good towel = a dry towel

What makes our’s damn good at absorbing moisture and releasing it quickly is the deep honeycomb-like pockets which give it more surface area and allows air to filter through.

It’s engineered to dry before mold or bacteria sets in just as long as it's hung properly post-shower. It also holds up to frequent washing in hot water. Goodbye germs! 👋

6) You like paying the full price

If you’re the type of person that doesn’t look at the price tag then, by all means, no rush. Our towels will be available for sale on our website after our Kickstarter campaign ends for the full retail price.

During the first week of the launch, we’ll be offering the towels for up to 60% off the retail price. This is a limited time offer and we can’t promise this sale will ever happen again.

So there you have it. All the reasons why you shouldn’t pre-order this towel on Kickstarter. If you’d like one or would like to learn more about the features and what makes it so unique click here to join the waiting list.

Originally published at https://www.casamera.com.




We focus on one naturally remarkable fabric: authentic Egyptian Cotton. Luxury essentials at accessible prices. Ethically made in the Nile Delta.